Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Error message - "Document Feeder Empty"

issue : Document Feeder Empty ,Load the document and press start

Solution : This kind of error message may be printer waiting for document to be loaded for xerox or for scanning . if any user start the process and stop suddenly this message may occur

So just keep a sample document for xerox or for scanning the message will automatically disappear

Mohamed Rafi

Monday, August 2, 2010

Standard output bin full - hp Printer

issue : Printer Not Working /printing . Error message " Standard output bin full"

Solution : paper jammed in printer cater age and electronic belt .Once removed printer is working fine

Mohamed Rafi

Vista password Lost

One of my user  forgot his  windows authentication password , with my friend help i downloaded hiren Boot Cd and Broke the password successfully .

So here is the link for downloading it .


Mohamed Rafi.